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Publisher Elsevier BV
Open Access YES
Quartile Q1
Citation Count 409
E-ISSN 2213-3054
Categories Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous), Ecology, Global and Planetary Change
Area Geology, Global and Planetary Change, Earth-Surface Processes, Atmospheric Science
Region Western Europe
Country United Kingdom

Anthropocene is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal answering questions about the nature, scale and extent of interactions between people and Earth processes and systems. The scope of the journal includes the significance of human activities in altering Earth's landscapes, oceans, the atmosphere, cryosphere, and ecosystems over a range of time and space scales - from global phenomena over geologic eras to single isolated events - including the linkages, couplings, and feedbacks among physical, chemical, biological, and social dimensions of Earth systems. The journal also addresses how such alterations can have profound effects on, and implications for, human society. As the scale and pace of human interactions with Earth systems have intensified in recent decades, understanding human-induced alterations in the past and present is critical to our ability to anticipate, mitigate, and adapt to changes in the future. The journal aims to provide a venue to focus research findings and debates toward advancing predictive understanding of sustainable human interactions with Earth systems-one of the grand challenges of our time.

The journal seeks contributions focused on the following themes:
How and when did past human interactions with Earth systems register in geologic and environmental records?
Quantitative evidence and causes of large-scale human impacts; and illustrating their significance toward the future.
Couplings among bio-physical and human processes, including environmental boundaries and societal responses to human-induced environmental change.
Managing risk and developing solution-oriented pathways toward achieving human-environmental sustainability in the 'Anthropocene.'

Anthropocene welcomes the following types of manuscripts that meet the Aims and Scope of the journal:

Original research articles pose and answer significant questions toward advancing understanding of human interactions with Earth systems. They are scientific articles that present a complete methododology, with discussion separated from the Results section. The research questions must appear explicitly (in the form of questions) early in the Introduction of the paper, and the Conclusion section must present clear answers to the questions. Substantial new data and analyses must also support these articles. The typical length of text is in the 5000-7000 word range. Research articles may include specific case studies if these studies demonstrate theoretical significance and broad systemic relevance.
Review papers assess the state of knowledge and establish the broader significance of a particular subfield or topic. They must synthesize stated bodies of literature toward identification of future research needs and directions. These review articles, with a typical length within 8000 words, may include some new data or synthesis of existing data that produce new understanding.
Viewpoint short communications address timely topics, comprising 2000-3000 words. These articles must articulate clear viewpoints toward stimulating reflection around relevant issues.


  1. Anthropocene is published by Elsevier BV
  2. It is an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Geology, Global and Planetary Change, Earth-Surface Processes, Atmospheric Science

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