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ResearchGuide is a platform dedicated to scientific researches unifying various data sources in one location using Machine learning techniques. It's intended to make it easier for researchers to access current and updated journals. It features a search engine that enables users to locate journals by keyword, topic, or author as well as a list of journals that are indexed by the platform.
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With the help of Advanced Search, you may narrow down your search and find journals by publisher or by subject area. Moreover, you can sort all journals by access type, or list journals in specific quartile.
The exciting things you can do after having an account include following authors to remain current, add your own publications, books, chapters, conferences, and viewing your saved articles.
Information: The first thing you'll see is a list of authors from which you can select one. If you already have publications under your name in journals, simply find your name and click Save to import them all.
After locating the desired journal, you might want to update some of the data. To modify any of the material, simply select the journal and click on TO CONTRIBUTE, then all the information will be editable. After modifying, just click SEND CONTRIBUTION.
Your revisions will be handled by the administrators after they get your edits.
Indeed, all resources available on are free. We believe access to information should be open and accessible to all.
Absolutely, offers customized research services. To make sure users perform efficient searches and get the most effective results, we do provide hints and methods.
You can use the contact form on our website to get in touch with us. We'll do our best to respond to all of your inquiries as soon as possible.