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Neuroscience Informatics

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2772-5286
Area Surgery, Radiology and Imaging, Information Systems, Neurology, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Applications, Signal Processing, Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine, Health Informatics, Clinical Neurology, Pathology and Medical Technology

The Article Publishing Charges are waived for submissions intended for Special Issues, as well as for submissions received via the Article Transfer Service (ATS).

Neuroscience Informatics is a peer-reviewed gold open-access journal, in the fields of brain sciences, imaging and natural/engineered computational systems. The journal builds a bridge between medical and technical disciplines and encourages development activities and research in an international environment. The focus is on interdisciplinary, translational, and technical research that constitute the field of brain informatics or that are driven by imaging. The journal aims to profile topics relating to digital imaging methods and computer-assisted diagnostic and therapeutic workflows. One central focus is on new diagnostic and therapeutic processes that are facilitated by computer-assisted radiology and surgery. Neuroscience Informatics also welcomes submissions on communication technology, information sciences, as well as clinical applications:

Neurosciences disciplines of interest
Neurointerventional surgery/radiology
Neurocritical care and emergency medicine
Education and training

Informatics fields concerned
Information processing and computer-driven systems
Big-data analytics
Informatics paradigms
Brain-inspired computation & Brain/machine interfaces
Modeling approaches
Massive structured datasets
Evaluation of available software tools
Artificial Intelligence
Medical imaging, digital imaging methods
Image processing, analysis and display
Computer applications for clinical or surgical practice
Image-guided therapy
Robotics, instrumentation and navigation
Algorithmic and/or statistical methods

Neurosciences informatics presents results from these areas in original papers, review articles and short communications. This research must advance the understanding of a neurological condition or surgical/medical treatment and contribute to improving computer assisted radiology and surgery-supported procedures in clinical practice. 4 issues/year


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Surgery, Radiology and Imaging, Information Systems, Neurology, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Applications, Signal Processing, Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine, Health Informatics, Clinical Neurology, Pathology and Medical Technology

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