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International Journal of Political Economy

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Publisher Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Open Access NO
Quartile Q2
Citation Count 95
P-ISSN 089-1916
E-ISSN 1558-0970
Categories Political Science and International Relations, Sociology and Political Science, Economics and Econometrics
Area Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Social Sciences
Region Western Europe
Country United Kingdom

The International Journal of Political Economy is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes scholarly research in all traditions of political economy. Founded in 1971 by the well-known Marxist political economist, Paul Mattick, who is celebrated for having explored connections between the Marxist and Keynesian approaches to political economy, it has evolved from being originally a translation journal that strove to make available scholarly work from former socialist countries to one that now seeks to build bridges among various schools of political economy that stand in opposition to mainstream neoclassical economics. The journal welcomes individual contributions from a critical perspective, as well as suggestions for special thematic issues in all fields of political economy internationally.


  1. International Journal of Political Economy is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.
  2. It is not an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences

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