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Acta Biologica Sibirica

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Publisher Altai State University
Open Access YES
Quartile Q3
Citation Count 47
E-ISSN 2412-1908
Categories Animal Science and Zoology, Ecology, Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Area Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Environmental Science
Region Eastern Europe
Country Russian Federation

Acta Biologica Sibirica is a peer-reviewed, open-access, launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, faunistics, floristics, Biological systematics, nature conservation and protected areas.

In the fields of faunistics and floristics, we accept articles of two types: floral and faunal lists on any region of the world (areas, regions, countries, mountain ranges, national parks), and faunal and floral discoveries (finding new species for the regions, additions to previously published inventories…). We also accept articles on methodology of faunal and floral studies.

The following categories of papers will be considered:

-original research articles-
reviews - longer articles, offering a comprehensive overview, historical analysis or/and future perspectives of a topic-
short communications-
letters and discussion papers-
book reviews-
memorial articles.
The journal publishes electronic versions of the articles when these are ready to publish, without delays that might be caused by completion of an issue. These electronic versions are not "pre-prints" but final and immutable (Version of Record), hence available for the purposes of biological nomenclature. The date indicated on the electronic version is to be considered the actual publication date


  1. Acta Biologica Sibirica is published by Altai State University
  2. It is an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Environmental Science

Visit the Journal "Acta Biologica Sibirica" website
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