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Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Publisher Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention
Open Access YES
Quartile Q3
Citation Count 2965
E-ISSN 1513-7368
Categories Epidemiology, Oncology, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, Cancer Research
Area Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Medicine
Region Asiatic Region
Country Thailand

Cancer is a very complex disease. While many aspects of carcinoge-nesis and oncogenesis are known, cancer control and prevention at the community level is however still in its infancy. Much more work needs to be done and many more steps need to be taken before effective strategies are developed. The multidisciplinary approaches and efforts to understand and control cancer in an effective and efficient manner, require highly trained scientists in all branches of the cancer sciences, from cellular and molecular aspects to patient care and palliation.

The Asia Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) and its official publication, the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP), have served the community of cancer scientists very well and intends to continue to serve in this capacity to the best of its abilities. One of the objectives of the APOCP is to provide all relevant and current scientific information on the whole spectrum of cancer sciences. They aim to do this by providing a forum for communication and propagation of original and innovative research findings that have relevance to understanding the etiology, progression, treatment, and survival of patients, through their journal. The APJCP with its distinguished, diverse, and Asia-wide team of editors, reviewers, and readers, ensure the highest standards of research communication within the cancer sciences community across Asia as well as globally.

The APJCP publishes original research results under the following categories:

-Epidemiology, detection and screening.
-Cellular research and bio-markers.
-Identification of bio-targets and agents with novel mechanisms of action.
-Optimal clinical use of existing anti-cancer agents, including combination therapies.
-Radiation and surgery.
-Palliative care.
-Patient adherence, quality of life, satisfaction.
-Health economic evaluations.


  1. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention is published by Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention
  2. It is an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Medicine

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