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Regarding the finance-investment nexus in sub-Saharan Africa: an issue of too little or too much finance?
The role of financial globalization in the long-run volatility between forex and stock markets during COVID-19: Evidence from Africa
Monetary policy and economic growth in Ghana: Does financial development matter?
Domestic Arrears and Financial Stability: The Role of Institutional Factors
Trade Openness and Monetary Policy in Ghana
Macro-determinants of short-term foreign debt in Ghana
The relative effect of trade and tax reforms on import tax revenues in Ghana
FDI and Trade Policy Openness in Sub-Saharan Africa
The relative effect of trade and tax reformson import tax revenues in Ghana
International reserves, external debt maturity and exchange rate volatility in Ghana
Determinants of Capital Flight In Ghana
Sources of oil price shocks and external balance in Ghana
Poverty and Inequality in Ghana: Analysis of the Dimensions, Trends and Spatial Perspectives
Determinants of Foreign Capital Flows: The Experience of Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries
Import Liberalization and Import Tariff Yield in Ghana: Estimating Tariff Buoyancy and Elasticity
Decomposed analysis of import tax changes in Ghana
International capital flows and investment volatility in selected sub-Saharan African countries