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Analyzing the Bioactivity of a Novel Bone Cement: An In Vitro Study
The Impact of Chronic Periodontitis on Glycemic Control and Serum Lipids in Comparison with Periodontal Health
Influences of Sweetened Medication and Dental Caries: A Review
Scope of Ultrasonics in Endodontics-A Review
Shrinkage in composites: An enigma
Ultrasonic Tips in Surgical and Non Surgical Root Canal Therapy:A Review of Literature
Nanotechnology and its Application in Re-mineralization of the Tooth: A Review of Literature
Management of Medically Compromised Patients in Endodontic Practice―A Review
Surgical Decompression to treat Periapical Cyst: A Review of Literature
Root Canal Obturation-An Update of Materials and Methods: A Review
Occupational Hazards in Dentistry―A Review
Endodontic treatment Failures and its Management―A Review
A Literature Review on Dental Caries Vaccine-A Prevention Strategy
Diagnosis of Vertical Root Fracture:A Review
Trouble Shooting in Posterior Composite
Prevalence of impacted permanent mandibular second molars in South Indian population: A cross-sectional study
Gemination or Fusion ?: A Case Report
Accuracy of Three Different Electronic Apex Locators – A Pilot Study
Effectiveness of calcium hydroxide plus points and chlorhexidine activ points against Enterococcus faecalis by agar diffusion test: An in-vitro study