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Skeletal Muscle Mass and Extracellular Water/Total Body Water Independently Predict Phase Angle Percentile in Young Men
Atypical Eating Behaviors Identified in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Aged 3 to 5 Years, Using the Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire in a Caregiver-Reported Online Survey
What Is the Difference Between a Calorie and a Carbohydrate?—Exploring Nutrition Education Opportunities in Alternative School Settings
Exploring Nutrition Education Opportunities in Alternative School Settings
Higher protein preterm formula increases weight gain
School foodservice managers’ positive support for school nutrition encourages healthy food environment
Why Do Women Stop After Successfully Breastfeeding for Three Months?
Relations between pregnancy risk, infant growth and cognition
Development of nanoparticle probes for multiplex SERS imaging of cell surface proteins
Surface-Enhanced Raman and Resonant Rayleigh Scatterings From Adsorbate Saturated Nanoparticles
Complementary feeding: Patterns and practices in Sidama, Southern Ethiopia
Attitudes towards Herbal Supplements: Results from the “Alternative Health/Complementary and Alternative Medicine” Survey
Relation of Parental Feeding Practices to Overweight in 3‐ and 4‐year‐old Children
Relation between lifestyle factors and anti‐fat attitudes in college students
Potential for Misclassification of Micronutrient Status in Children Participating in a Head Start Program
School Lunch Practices and Policies in Oklahoma Elementary Schools
Making Feeding Decisions for Preterm Low Birth Weight Infants
Clinical Observations: A Nutrition Intervention With Families of Low‐Birth‐Weight Infants
Growth Patterns and Nutritional Factors Associated with Increased Head Circumference at 18 Months in Normally Developing, Low-birth-weight Infants