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The Intersection of Food Security and Mental Health in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals
Anterior Abdominal Wall Necrotizing Fasciitis Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy With Hiatal Hernia Repair: A Case Report
Design and deployment of zero-trust SMPC algorithm to enhance financial cybersecurity in small and medium scale supply chains in the United States
Empowering Minds: Exploring the Library's Influence on Peer Pressure among Nigerian Undergraduates
Influence of explosive maximum instantaneous charge on blasting environmental impact
Cyber Attack Detection in A Global Network Using Machine Learning Approach
Issues in use of web-based information resources by public polytechnic students in southwestern Nigeria
UNFCCC's posture on displacement riskification: Conceptual suggestions
The UNFCCC, the EU, and the UNSC: A research agenda proposal for the climate security question
Interest and Learning Approaches as Discriminating Factors in the Performance of Senior Secondary School Students in Economics
Plasma lactate, insulin concentration and intestinal glycogen deposition responses to fructose infusion in male dogs
Ecology, diversity and seasonal distribution of wild mushrooms in a Nigerian tropical forest reserve
Re-emerging Powers and the Impasse in the UNSC over R2P Intervention in Syria
R2P intervention, BRICS countries, and the no-fly zone measure in Libya
Alcohol Knowledge and Consumption among Medical Students in Lagos, Nigeria
Protectability of nine Nigerian medicinal plants against cowpea beetle,Callosobruchus maculatus(Fab.) (Coleoptera: Bruchiidae) in storage
Non Equilibrium Plasma Assisted Conversion of Fossil Fuels without CO<sub>2</sub> Release
Competitive Ability of Two Moths, Sitotroga cerealella(OLIV.)and Ephestia cautella(WLK)in Sorghum