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A Shield in Space? Technology, Politics, and the Strategic Defense Initiative by Sanford Lakoff, Herbert F. York
The Johnson Years. Volume II: Vietnam, the Environment, and Science. Robert A. Divine
Public History: An Introduction ed. by Barbara J. Howe, Emory L. Kemp
Dealing with Crisis: History and the Challenger Disaster
Function, form, and technology: The evolution of space station in NASA
Expertise against Politics: Technology as Ideology on Capitol Hill, 1966–1972
The urban crucible: Social change, political consciousness, and the origins of the American revolution
Toward the Endless Frontier: History of the Committee on Science and Tecknology, 1959-79
The Urban Idea in Colonial America.
Anthropology toward History: Culture and Work in a 19th-Century Maine Town
The Urban Idea in Colonial America
Colonial Urban Development: Culture, Social Power and Environment
Old Mobile: Fort Louis de la Louisiane, 1702-1711
From Main Street to State Street: Town, City, and Community in America
Stamford from Puritan to Patriot: The Shaping of a Connecticut Community, 1641-1774
The Slavery Issue in Northern School Readers, Geographies and Histories 1850–1875