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Open Acess
Learning by competence in Parasitology
Current Understanding and Gaps in Knowledge of Chlamydia trachomatis Infection
About sanitary dermatology. The Venezuelan case
nMorph Framework: An Innovative Approach to Transpiler-Based Multi-Language Software Development
Transpiler-Based Architecture Design Model for Back-End Layers in Software Development
Transpilers: A Systematic Mapping Review of Their Usage in Research and Industry
Detecting a Pre-COVID Fall in the Trend Growth of the Mexican Economy: Extended Version
A Pre-COVID Measure of the Effect of the 2018 Economic Shift in Mexico: Extended Version
Enfermedades tropicales en tiempos de COVID-19
COVID-19: un desafío para la ciudades inteligentes en el decálogo de la salud pública
Epistemologías en la investigación en epidemiología
¿Es la epidemiologia crítica distinta de la social?
Notions about pregnancy and parasitic diseases
La restauración y la construcción de Can Ferrereta, Mallorca
Coronavirus disease 19 and parasitic diseases
Pandemia de COVID-19 en ciudades inteligentes
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency a Balanced Polymorphism between Resistance to Malaria Infection and Hematological Abnormalities
Alternativa quirúrgica paliativa para el Quiste de colédoco con degeneración maligna en paciente anciana.