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Impact of transmitting boundaries on seismic behavior of building on slope under soil-structure interaction
The Autonomous District Councils in Mizoram: Issues and Challenges
Exercise-Induced Rhabdomyolysis Causing Acute Kidney Injury: A Potential Threat to Gym Lovers
Electron-phonon coupling, thermal expansion coefficient, resonance effect, and phonon dynamics in high-quality CVD-grown monolayer and bilayer MoSe2
T-Piece for COVID-19 Patients: Innovation in a Time of Crisis
Death from rabies: The reason being poor compliance to vaccination or it's failure
Chronic suppurative otitis media: A microbiological review of 20 years
Clinical spectrum and risk factors for hospital-acquired septicemia in a tertiary care centre of North-East India
Usability and Security Issues in the Implementation of E-Commerce Website
Frequency of premolar teeth extractions for orthodontic treatment
Unilateral cherubism in a family with a history of bilateral cherubism: Confirmed by SH3BP2 mutation
Changing epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance pattern of Vibrio cholerae isolates at a tertiary care health laboratory in North India (2011–2015)
Study of combining ability for yield and its components traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Nanotechnology: A focus on Treatment of Tuberculosis.