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P097 Launching the Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis VIP Research Panel - an innovative and unique way to engage with the Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis community
P091 Is my arthritis part of who I am or something I have? Age of onset makes a difference
P042 The impacts of rheumatic diseases in the workplace and employment
P093 What’s in a name? Misnaming and renaming of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis has long-term impacts
Community awareness of childhood arthritis in the UK
An Introduction to Applying Social Work Theories and Methods, 3rd edn, Barbra Teater, London, Open University Press, 2020, pp. iv+256, ISBN 9780335248193, £23.60 (pbk)
Tipping the scales: Provider perspectives on a multi-disciplinary approach to obesity
Staff perceptions of borderline personality disorder and recovery: A Q‐sort method approach
Perceived Sexism, Self-Silencing, and Psychological Distress in College Women
Recent Book: “Don't Take the Risk”
Biocontrol of medical and veterinary pests