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SACHERI, E. (2022). Los días de la revolución. Una historia de Argentina cuando no era Argentina (1806-1820). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Alfaguara, pp. 288.
Corey, Robin La mente reaccionaria:
Guerra mediática y reacción institucional. Los primeros años del gobierno de Figueroa Alcorta desde El Municipio de Rosario (1906-1908)
Laser-PIXE using laser-accelerated proton beams
Material analysis using laser-plasma driven luminescence spectroscopy
Pigment darkening as case study of In-Air Plasma-Induced Luminescence
Submicrometric absolute positioning of flat reflective surfaces using Michelson interferometry
Carbon‐Based Nanostructured Film Materials for High‐Intense Laser‐Matter Interaction Experiments
Design and optimization of a compact laser-driven proton beamline
Laser-Plasma Driven Synthesis of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials
In situ study of nucleation and aggregation phases for nanoparticles grown by laser-driven methods
Laser-Accelerated Proton Beams as Diagnostics for Cultural Heritage
Fabrication of nanostructured targets for improved laser-driven proton acceleration
Nanostructured target fabrication with metal and semiconductor nanoparticles