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Hybrid AC/DC architecture in the CE.D.E.R.-CIEMAT microgrid: demonstration of the TIGON project
Modelo de gestión de riesgo de la cadena de suministro como elemento diferenciador
Scaphotrapezial Prosthesis: A New Salvage Technique for Failed Trapeziectomy
Alargamiento de los gastrocnemios y trasposiciones tendinosas del tibial anterior y el extensor largo del primer dedo en un paciente con neuropatía del nervio peroneo común. Caso Clínico
Micro air vehicles energy transportation for a wireless power transfer system
Arsenic and selenium levels in rice fields from south-west of Spain: influence of the years of monoculture
Revers End to Side Nerve Transfer for the Partial Injury of the Ulna Nerve. Our Experience
Myths and Misperceptions About Ingredients Used in Commercial Pet Foods
Avaliação da capacidade de gestão democrática em municípios baianos
Restoration of cardiac transient outward potassium current by norepinephrine in diabetic rats
Characterization of the Growth Response Obtained from Eimeria acervulina Infection in Chicks Fed Lysine-Deficient Diets
Utilization of the L- and DL- isomers of α-ketomethylvaleric acid by chicks
Lysine and Sulfur Amino Acid Utilization in Eimeria acervulina-Infected Chicks as Affected by Narasin
Effect of meal frequency and spaced crystalline lysine ingestion on the utilization of dietary lysine by chickens