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Evaluation of Serum Testosterone Level among Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Men Diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Association between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness
Does Globalization Impact Entrepreneurship?
Scrotal self-inflicted gunshot injuries: report of two consecutive cases and literature review
Correlation between Prostate Volume and Gleason Score in Patients Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. A 2-Year Hospital based Study
Accuracy of digital rectal examination to diagnose prostate cancer confirmed by needle biopsy reports: A 3–year hospital-based study
Serum Testosterone, 17β-Estradiol and PSA Levels in Subjects with Prostate Disorders
Review of obstetric fistulas in a rural hospital in South-South Nigeria
Quality of life following successful repair of vesicovaginal fistula in Nigeria
Cardiothoracic surgical emergencies in a Niger Delta Tertiary Health Institution: A 12 month appraisal