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An Integrated Approach for the Thermal Maturity Modeling Re-Assessment of an Exploration Well in the Hellenides Fold and Thrust Belt
War, Postmemory, and Exhibition Design in Greece. The “Asia Minor Hellenism: Heyday-Catastrophe-Displacement-Rebirth” Exhibition at the Benaki Museum (2022–2023)
[Σπαθάρης, Σωτήρης Ε. Τα απομνημονεύματά μου : ανέκδοτα αυτοβιογραφικά κείμενα του λαϊκού καλλιτέχνη με εισαγωγή, επιμέλεια και επεξηγηματικά σχόλια του Γιάννη Κόκκωνα]
COVID-19 pandemic impact on neurologic emergencies: a single-center retrospective cohort study
Drug Re-Purposing - Can Anti-Allergy Drugs also be Used to Treat Cancer?
Electronic Properties of Cs‐Based Halide Perovskites: An Ab Initio Study
Solar Wind Modeling: Comparing The Energetics Between A Single Fluid And A Kinetic Exospheric Model
Phenotypic novelty by CRISPR in plants
The lab-on-PCB approach: tackling the μTAS commercial upscaling bottleneck
Cutting in the middleman: hidden substrates at the interface between proteases and plant development
A pervasive computing system for the remote management of hospital waste
Assessment of self-organizing map variants for clustering with application to redistribution of emotional speech patterns
Chemfet Based Microsensors Covered with Ion-Partitioning Polymeric Membranes