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A skewed truncated Cauchy logistic distribution and its moments
Effect of tumor microenvironmental factors on the steady state of tumor growth with non-zero correlation time
Effect of tumor microenvironmental factors on tumor growth dynamics modeled by correlated colored noises with colored cross-correlation
Steady state analysis for the effect of tumor microenvironmental factors on tumor growth dynamics driven by correlated noises
Cure Models based on Weibull Distribution with and without Covariates using Right Censored Data
Minimization of Negative Log Partial Likelihood Function Using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Improved Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Gaussian Mixed Model Using the Kernel Method
Maintaining Diversity For Genetic Algorithm: A Case Of Timetabling Problem
Fitness Distance Correlation(FDC) As A Hardness Prediction For University Course Timetabling Problem
Estimating a Logistic Weibull Mixture Models with Long–Term Survivors