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Benefits of Child Behavior Interventions for Parent Well‐Being
Feasibility of Implementation of a Parenting Intervention with Karen Refugees Resettled from Burma
Parent Management Training—Oregon Model: Adapting Intervention with Rigorous Research
A Confidant Support and Problem Solving Model of Divorced Fathers’ Parenting
Sustaining Fidelity Following the Nationwide PMTO™ Implementation in Norway
Parenting Practices as Potential Mechanisms for Child adjustment Following Mass Trauma
Accelerating recovery from poverty: Prevention effects for recently separated mothers.
Implementation as a Second Stage in Prevention Research.
Adjusting to change: Linking family structure transitions with parenting and boys' adjustment.
Parenting through change: An effective prevention program for single mothers.
Adult Problem Solving: Contributor to Parenting and Child Outcomes in Divorced Families
Predicting future clinical adjustment from treatment outcome and process variables.
Boosting Homework: A Video Tape Link Between Families and Schools
Patterns and Outcome in Family Problem Solving: The Disrupting Effect of Negative Emotion
A Cost-Effective Parent Training Program for Use with Normal Preschool Children