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Asociación entre el estilo de vida y hemoglobina glicada en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2
Usabilidad de una App para pacientes con diabetes tipo 2
The Effects of an Educational Intervention About Front-of-Package Labeling on Food and Beverage Selection Among Children and Their Caregivers: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Usability evaluation of the educational website “understanding my diabetes” for Mexican patients with type 2 diabetes
Increased body fat, physical inactivity, and hypertension are associated with poor quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes
Editorial: Diabetes management through lifestyle and the social determinants of health
Inadequate diabetes knowledge is associated with poor glycemia control in patients with type 2 diabetes
Usability Evaluation of an Educational Website for Mexican Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Satisfaction, Facility, and Utility
Mayor grasa corporal, inactividad física e hipertensión arterial se asocian a una pobre calidad de vida en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2
Asociación del peso bajo al nacimiento con los componentes del síndrome metabólico en niños con obesidad
A dietary pattern high in full-fat dairy and sweetened beverages is associated with glycated hemoglobin and weight in Mexican patients with type-2 diabetes
Baja saturación de oxígeno como factor de riesgo para desarrollar pie diabético
Multimedia education to support management of type 2 diabetes patients. A quasi-experimental study
Impacto del estilo de vida en el descontrol glucémico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2
La educación multimedia como apoyo en el manejo de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2. Estudio cuasi experimental
Fiber in Diet Is Associated with Improvement of Glycated Hemoglobin and Lipid Profile in Mexican Patients with Type 2 Diabetes