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Evaluation of a Parent Education Program Emphasizing Responsive Parenting and Mindfulness: An Inclusive Randomized Controlled Trial
African-American and Hispanic children's beverage intake: Differences in associations with desire to drink, fathers' feeding practices, and weight concerns
Systematic Review of Child Obesity Prevention and Treatment Trials Addressing Parenting
Relationships between Fathers' Feeding Practices and Preschool Children's Beverage Intake
Associations of parental monitoring and weight concern on body esteem of normal weight and overweight 1st grade children (808.5)
Relationship between kindergarten children’s language ability and social competence
Relation of Parental Feeding Practices to Overweight in 3‐ and 4‐year‐old Children
Potential for Misclassification of Micronutrient Status in Children Participating in a Head Start Program
Perceiver Bias in Expectancies for Sexually Abused Children
Perceptions of infant boys' behavior and mental health: Relation to infant attachment
The Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem and Coronary-Prone Behavior on Problem Solving and Affect under Low and High Stress
Coping Patterns of Aging Women:
Mothers, infants, and toys: Social play correlates of attachment
The Development of Functionally Similar and Dissimilar Operations of Exclusion
Why We All Need Someone We Can Lean On
Apparent Parthenogenesis in Nature, in a Form of Fish of Hybrid Origin