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Quality–diversity optimization of decision trees for interpretable reinforcement learning
Evolving Hebbian Learning Rules in Voxel-Based Soft Robots
Benign food-borne type B botulism presenting as unilateral internal ophthalmoplegia: a case report
Optimizing the Sensory Apparatus of Voxel-Based Soft Robots Through Evolution and Babbling
A GPU-Enabled Compact Genetic Algorithm for Very Large-Scale Optimization Problems
A generic synchronous dataflow architecture to rapidly prototype and deploy robot controllers
136. Magnetic stimulation of the cervical spine: Effect of coil current configuration on the MEPs
Joint analysis of Rayleigh- and Love-wave dispersion: Issues, criteria and improvements
Acute Akinesia, an unusual complication in Parkinson’s Disease: a case report
TUO37 Quantitative sEMG analysis of gait in Parkinson's patients with Freezing in ON
Estradiol inhibits the effects of extracellular ATP in human sperm by a non genomic mechanism of action
Experience of International Data Management for Drug Development in a Local Operating Company