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Cell Electrospinning: a Review of Materials and Methodologies for Biofabrication
Bilayer scaffold from PLGA/fibrin electrospun membrane and fibrin hydrogel layer supports wound healing in vivo
Current Understanding and Gaps in Knowledge of Chlamydia trachomatis Infection
About sanitary dermatology. The Venezuelan case
¿Es la epidemiologia crítica distinta de la social?
Enfermedades tropicales en tiempos de COVID-19
Epistemologías en la investigación en epidemiología
COVID-19: un desafío para la ciudades inteligentes en el decálogo de la salud pública
The role of stem cell‐derived exosomes in the repair of cutaneous and bone tissue
Notions about pregnancy and parasitic diseases
La restauración y la construcción de Can Ferrereta, Mallorca
Pandemia de COVID-19 en ciudades inteligentes
Coronavirus disease 19 and parasitic diseases
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency a Balanced Polymorphism between Resistance to Malaria Infection and Hematological Abnormalities
Development of fibrous PLGA/fibrin scaffolds as a potential skin substitute
3D electrospinning used in medical materials
New challenges on the production of oral mucosa using Tissue Engineering Techniques
Elevated levels of adaption in Helicobacter pylori genomes from Japan; a link to higher incidences of gastric cancer?
Changes in the topology of gene expression networks by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integration in macrophages