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IdentiFLY: The Development and Validation of a 15-Plex SNP Assay for Forensic Identification of UK Blowfly Species (Calliphoridae)
How Does Current Evidence Inform Policy and Practice for Prepregnancy Health?
Leonidas D. Marinelli: Cold War Scientist
Author response — a wake-up call for preconception health
Field Guide to Liverwort Genera of Pacific North America
Kinetochore reproduction theory may explain rapid chromosome evolution
Réplique de Sheldon et Judith Godfrey au compte rendu de leur ouvrage Search Out the Land: the Jews and the Growth of Equality in British Colonial America, 1740-1867 , par Donald Fyson.
Search Out the Land: The Jews and the Growth of Equality in British Colonial America, 1740-1867.
Prenatal Diagnosis in Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly
Migrants to Amazonia: Spontaneous Colonization in the Brazilian Frontier
Notes on Hepatics from the Pacific Northwest
New and Interesting Hepatics from British Columbia, Canada, and Northern Washington State, U.S.A. II
Scapania hians in Shensi, China and British Columbia, Canada
Asexual Reproduction in Chandonanthus setiformis
New and Interesting Hepatics from British Columbia, Canada, and Northern Washington State, U.S.A. I.
Notes on Hepaticae collected by John Macoun in southwestern British Columbia
Schofieldia, a New Hepatic from the Pacific Northwest
The Survey of English Usage