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Student scientific work at the Faculty of Medical Sciences on the Isle of Youth
Evidencia empírica del desempeño innovador en el sector cafetero colombiano
Programa de permanencia con calidad desde el concepto de alineación total y las teorías administrativas: caso Universidad Libre Seccional Cúcuta
Análisis del valor de la marca “Café Galavis” mediante el modelo de red neuronal asociativa
Key fundamentals of strategy for decision-making in international business
Transition to higher education and assessment: a one year longitudinal study
La alfabetización digital crítica frente a la relación entre alteridad y mediación de imágenes en red
Hyperbolic regularization of the restricted three–body problem on curved spaces
Relative equilibria for the positive curved n–body problem
Learning strategies and self-regulation in context: how higher education students approach different courses, assessments, and challenges
Regularization of the restricted $(n+1)$-body problem on curved spaces
Hyperbolic relative equilibria for the negative curved n–body problem
Bases teórico – conceptuales de la gestión turística en espacios naturales no protegidos
Euler-type Relative Equilibria and their Stability in Spaces of Constant Curvature
Los insectos (Insecta) del Mesozoico chileno
Global symplectic regularization for some restricted 3-body problems on
The Two Crystallization Modes of Mesophase Forming Polymers
Liquid-crystalline copolymers of bibenzoate and terephthalate units
Entorno global, política económica y empresas