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Subject Area
Open Acess
Entorno basado en contenedores Linux para el desarrollo de aplicaciones robóticas
MachNet, a general Deep Learning architecture for Predictive Maintenance within the industry 4.0 paradigm
The Robot@Home2 dataset: A new release with improved usability tools
GND-LO: Ground Decoupled 3D Lidar Odometry Based on Planar Patches
Efficient 3D Lidar Odometry Based on Planar Patches
Jupyter Notebooks in Undergraduate Mobile Robotics Courses: Educational Tool and Case Study
Improving the Head Pose Variation Problem in Face Recognition for Mobile Robots
Automatic Multi-Sensor Extrinsic Calibration For Mobile Robots
Building Multiversal Semantic Maps for Mobile Robot Operation
A survey on learning approaches for Undirected Graphical Models. Application to scene object recognition