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Bio‐Inspired Thiolate‐FeII‐Hydrazine Adduct Towards Iron‐Mediated C‐N Bond Formation
United States Intervention on the Cross-Strait Escalation between China and Taiwan
Perceived organizational support and outcomes: A view through the lens of the group engagement model, the role of identification, pride and respect
Proses Gatekeeping Portal Media Daring (Studi Kasus pada Media Daring
Integrating Social Comparisons into Perceived Organisational Support (POS): The Construct of Relative Perceived Organisational Support (RPOS) and its Relationship with POS, Identification and Employee Outcomes
Pediatric idiopathic hypercalciuria with bilateral nephrolithiasis and hypertensive urgency
Towards a better understanding of the “buffering effects” of organizational virtuousness’ perceptions on employee outcomes
Is my Organization more Supportive than Others? Social Comparison Processes and Employee Outcomes
Social Comparison Processes and Intent to Quit: The Mediating Role of POS and Identification
Virtual Reality Computer Simulated Home Visit: Teaching Home Safety
Irinotecan during pregnancy in metastatic colon cancer
Long-term follow-up in two siblings with pyridoxine-dependent seizures associated with a novel ALDH7A1 mutation
TSEN54 mutation in a child with pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1
Cerebellar hypoplasia and brainstem thinning associated with severe white matter and basal ganglia abnormalities in a child with an mtDNA deletion
Genotype-phenotype correlations in a large series of patients with muscle type CPT II deficiency
Cavitating Leukoencephalopathy in a Child Carrying the MitochondrialA8344GMutation: Fig 1.
Unusual presentation of phosphoglycerate mutase deficiency due to two different mutations in PGAM-M gene
Characterization of a K + -ATPase from Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC 15009
Women's Auxiliary