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Stabilization of Lateritic Soil for Road Application Using Lime and Cow Bone Ash
Intergovernmental Harmony: An Imperative for Navigating Covid-19 Pandemic in Nigeria
Amilcar Cabral’s Notes on the Impasses to Africa’s Development
Ideology and International Politics: Finding a Place for Africa
Time Management Practices, Character Development and Academic Performance among University Undergraduates: Covenant University Experience
Quality Assurance Practice in African Universities: Lessons from a Private Nigerian University
Enthroning Responsible Governance: An Appeal from Adam Smith and Traditional African Morality
Kant’s Categorical Imperative and the “Business” of Profit Maximization: The Quest for Service Paradigm
Leadership, Social Identity and the Politics of Underdevelopment in Africa
African Politics and Hegells Concept of the State
The Psychological Imperative in Political Processes in Nigeria
Good Budgeting and Good Governance: A Comparative Discourse
Budget Discipline in Nigeria: A Critical Evaluation of Military and Civilian Regimes
Ethical Leadership, Corruption and Irresponsible Governance: Rethinking the African Dilemma
The Humanistic Imperative in African Politics
Domesticating Representative Democracy: Re-Inventing the People