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Thoracic Aortic Mural Thrombus, an Unusual Source of Peripheral Thromboembolism: A Report of two cases
Vascular Aging and Stroke
Ecthyma gangrenosum as the primary manifestation of acute myeloid leukemia in a previously healthy patient
Technological Developments and Quality of Life in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Review of the Modern Insulin Analogues, Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Pump Therapy
Adenoviral Infections in Neonates: A Case-Based Literature Review
Parvovirus B19-Associated Myocarditis: A Literature Review of Pediatric Cases
Richter transformation of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia presenting as otitis externa
Propafenone Poisoning of a Female Adolescent After a Suicide Attempt
Addressing the Problems of Jurisdictional Conflicts in Criminal Matters within the EU
Darier-Roussy sarcoidosis in a 53-year-old patient
The Post-Lisbon approach towards the main features of substantive criminal law: developments and challenges
Plasma cell myeloma with mature lymphoproliferative disease-like morphology: an unusual case
Multiple myeloma: interplay between osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis
Punishing Corruption in the Public and the Private Sector: The Legal Framework of the European Union in the International Scene and the Greek Legal Order
Evaluation of use of proton pump inhibitors in Greece
Fatal pulmonary and cerebral aspergillosis after a short course of corticosteroids for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe and Challenges for Criminal Law at the Commencement of 21st Century
The Development towards Harmonization within Criminal Law in the European Union – A Citizen's Perspective