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Multicolor Two-Photon Fluorescence Lifetimes Microscopy by Wavelenght Mixing for Efficient and Simultaneus NADH and FAD Imaging Reveals Metabolic Shifts Associated to Cellular Differentiation and Oxidative Stress in Living Tissues
Mitigating Phototoxicity during Multiphoton Microscopy of Live Drosophila Embryos in the 1.0–1.2 µm Wavelength Range
Accuracy of correction in modal sensorless adaptive optics
Dynamic aberration correction for multiharmonic microscopy
Third-harmonic generation microscopy with focus-engineered beams: a numerical study
Tissue Deformation Modulates Twist Expression to Determine Anterior Midgut Differentiation in Drosophila Embryos
Quantitative Characterization of Biological Liquids for Third-Harmonic Generation Microscopy
Signal epidetection in third-harmonic generation microscopy of turbid media
Femtosecond pulse-induced microprocessing of live Drosophila embryos
Structure sensitivity in third-harmonic generation microscopy
Epifluorescence collection in two-photon microscopy
La sociologie cellulaire : modéliser et simuler une "société" cellulaire pour étudier le vivant