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Subject Area
Open Acess
How to reduce the financial difficulties of immigrant entrepreneurs
Reconfiguration of Technological and Innovation Capabilities in Mexican SMEs: Effective Strategies for Corporate Performance in Emerging Economies
Innovative Business Strategies in the Face of COVID-19: An Approach to Open Innovation of SMEs in the Sonora Region of Mexico
Barriers to immigrant Mexican entrepreneurs in the USA
Immigrant entrepreneurs: A review of the literature and an agenda for future investigations
Online Buyers and Open Innovation: Security, Experience, and Satisfaction
Entrepreneurial orientation and CSR: a dynamic capability in the corporate performance of Mexican SMEs
Barriers Affecting the Passion and Entrepreneurial Intention of University of the ITSON
Open Innovation and CSR, Determinants in Logistics and Performance in Commercial SMES
Organizational Learning and Corporate Social Responsibility Drivers of Performance in SMEs in Northwestern Mexico
Las Capacidades Dinámicas y la Orientación Emprendedora: Fuente de Innovación y Rentabilidad en la Pyme Mexicana
The Quality of the Service, Superior Value Generator in the Restaurant Sector
ISO 14001 and 26001, Agents of Change in the SME
CSR and the Supply Chain: Effects on the Results of SMEs
The effect of the 1997-1998 ENSO on the benthic macrofaunal biomass in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico