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Periodontal host-modulation therapy with avocado/soybean unsaponifiables in rats with arthritis
Retrospective evaluation about morse taper versus external hexagon implants placed after maxillary sinus lift
Comparison of osseointegration in areas grafted with deproteinized bovine bone and native bone. A preclinical study
Calvarial Autogenous Bone Graft for Maxillary Ridge and Sinus Reconstruction for Rehabilitation With Dental Implants
Root coverage stability of the subepithelial connective tissue graft and guided tissue regeneration: A 30-month follow-up clinical trial
Long-term treatment with alendronate increases the surgical difficulty during simple exodontias – an in vivo observation in Holtzman rats
Calvarial autogenous bone graft for maxillary ridge and sinus reconstruction for rehabilitation with dental implants
Laser ablation in titanium implants followed by biomimetic hydroxyapatite coating: Histomorphometric study in rabbits
Effects of low-level laser therapy (685 nm) at different doses in osteogenic cell cultures
Is Peripheral Blood Cell Balanced Altered by the Use of Fresh Frozen Bone Block Allografts in Lateral Maxillary Ridge Augmentation?
Clinical Similarities and Histological Diversity Comparing Fresh Frozen Onlay Bone Blocks Allografts and Autografts in Human Maxillary Reconstruction
Different Molecular Weight Chitosan-Based Membranes for Tissue Regeneration
Treatment of gingival recession with collagen membrane and DFDBA: a histometric study in dogs
Influence of a Fluoridated Medium with Different pHs on Commercially Pure Titanium‐Based Implants
Evaluation of titanium implants with surface modification by laser beam: biomechanical study in rabbit tibias
Use of a Tooth-Implant Supported Bone Distractor in Oral Rehabilitation: Description of a Personalized Technique
Success Rate of Immediate Nonfunctional Loaded Single-Tooth Implants: Immediate Versus Delayed Implantation
Cocaine Associated With Onlay Bone Graft Failure: A Clinical and Histologic Report
Analysis of Failed Commercially Pure Titanium Dental Implants: A Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy‐Dispersive Spectrometer X‐Ray Study
Connective tissue graft to correct peri-implant soft tissue margin: A clinical report