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Accuracy of partially and fully guided surgical techniques for immediate implant placement: An in vitro assessment
Possibilidades reabilitadores para pacientes com erosão dental: uma revisão de casos clínicos
Impact of smoking on protein levels of beta-defensins in periodontal disease
Prevalence and risk indicators of peri-implantitis after 8 to 10 years of function
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy associated with bone regeneration for peri-implantitis treatment: A case report
Smoking reduces cathelicidin LL‐37 and human neutrophil peptide 1–3 levels in the gingival crevicular fluid of patients with periodontitis
Implant-based factor as possible risk for peri-implantitis
Evaluation of L‐PRF combined with deproteinized bovine bone mineral for early implant placement after maxillary sinus augmentation: A randomized clinical trial
Early Placement of Dental Implants in Maxillary Sinus Grafted With Leukocyte and Platelet-Rich Fibrin and Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral
A variational approach to non-rigid image registration with Bregman divergences and multiple features
Survival/Success of Dental Implants with Acid-Etched Surfaces: A Retrospective Evaluation After 8 to 10 Years
Surgical Treatment of Implants Affected by Periimplantitis After 15 Years of Loading
The smear layer created by scaling and root planing is physiologically eliminated in a biphasic process
Prevalence and Possible Risk Factors of Peri-implantitis: A Concept Review
Saliva substitutes in combination with high-fluoride gel on dentin remineralization
Comparação in vitro da eficácia de diferentes formulações do gel de EDTA 24% no condicionamento da superfície radicular
Effect of saliva substitutes in combination with fluorides on remineralization of subsurface dentin lesions
In vitro evaluation of the effect of natural orange juices on dentin morphology
The influence of vinegars on exposure of dentinal tubules: a SEM evaluation