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Democracy in crisis: geopolitical shifts and us challenges in Middle East and North Africa
Foreign interference, military aid to Egypt, and the future of US-Egypt relations
Challenges in Ungoverned Spaces and the Crisis of Insecurity Across the Sahel
China’s growing role in the middle east: regional geopolitics and US policy
The impact of the war on Gaza on the US presidential election
Dismantling green colonialism: energy and climate justice in the Arab region
An assessment of the effectiveness of sanction as a tool for diplomatic deterrence
Hajj diplomacy and economic relations between Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, 2012-2022
Historical assessment of the socio-economic and political activities of Fulani pastoralists in Yola, Adamawa-Nigeria
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Nigeria’s Continued Role in ECOWAS
Le "Guerrin Meschino" d'Andrea da Barberino et Ie remaniement de Jean de Rochemeure