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Expressão imuno-histoquímica dos biomarcadores p16 e Ki-67 na lesão intraepitelial cervical de alto grau: revisão de estudos
Application of bokashi organic fertilizer in production oflettuce (Lactuca sativa)
As muitas fronteiras do Cerro do Jarau
Towards Peer-assisted Video on Demand System: Building Helpful Overlays
A imagem do Brasil na mídia impressa portuguesa: Um estudo do caso Diário de Notícias e Público
Fr. Juan Antonio Cantova and the First Christian Mission in the Caroline Islands
Impact of Churn on Object Management Policies Deployed in CDN-P2P Systems
‘Filipinos’ and Other Non-Spanish Missionaries During the Early Years of the Mariana Mission 1668-1673
Fotojornalismo e ação cultural em Curitiba
Visayan Martyrs in the Marianas, 1668-1672
Historical Cost and Price-level Accounting: A Study for Brazilian Companies