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La concurrence dans la musique numérique
Mechanical impact on a breath figure
Verdir une ville désertique ? Entre politique urbaine, pratiques habitantes et matérialité écologique à Abu Dhabi (Émirats arabes unis)
Estradiol Signaling at the Heart of Folliculogenesis: Its Potential Deregulation in Human Ovarian Pathologies
The influence of social climate on transformational leadership potential in young adults.
Analysis of Ingredients of Supplements in the National Institutes of Health Supplement Database Marketed as Containing a Novel Alternative to Anabolic Steroids
Cohorte française des syndromes radiologiques isolés (RIS) : quand ce n’est pas un RIS
Distinguishing the desire to learn from the desire to perform: The social value of achievement goals
Fostering transformational leadership among young adults: a basic psychological needs approach
Dynamics of step-emulsification: From a single to a collection of emulsion droplet generators
Subtle Charge Balance Controls Surface-Nucleated Self-Assembly of Designed Biopolymers
Reconsidérer le rôle de la lignée germinale dans la différenciation et la fonction de l’ovaire
Incidence of the molecular organization on friction at soft polymer interfaces
Unitary inhibitory field potentials in the CA3 region of rat hippocampus
Contact Angle and Contact Angle Hysteresis Measurements Using the Capillary Bridge Technique
A general framework for simulation of fractional fields
Voie de signalisation Notch et développement précoce des mammifères
Comportement mécanique de fibroblastes de vergetures inclus dans des lattices de collagène