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Sustaining the Gains of HYPREP Remediation in Ogoni: A Community Focus
Tornumonkpe Distribution: Statistical Properties and Goodness of Fit
The Iwok-Nwikpe Distribution: Statistical Properties and Its Application
Nwikpe Probability Distribution: Statistical Properties and Goodness of Fit
Effects of Compressor Blade Profile Change on Thermo-economic Performance of Gas Turbine
Two-Parameter Nwikpe (TPAN) Distribution with Application
The International Criminal Court And Its Major Obstacles Since Formation
Performance Assessment of A Two-Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor
Identification of correlation structure using rotated factor loadings
Performance and Economic Analysis of Gas Turbine Subsystems for Power Generation in the Niger Delta
Pressure Surge Dependence on Valve Operations in a Pipeline Loading System
Improved Design of a 25 MW Gas Turbine Plant Using Combined Cycle Application
Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a Gas Turbine in an Equatorial Rain Forest Environment
Comparative Assessment of Combined-Heat-and-Power Performance of Small-Scale Aero-Derivative Gas Turbine Cycles
Performance Optimization of Dual Pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) in the Tropical Rainforest
Adherence and retention on antiretroviral therapy in a public‐private partnership program in Nigeria
Analysis of the Effects of Valve Propagated Pressure Surge on Pipe Flow
A Non-Dimensional Consideration in Combustor Axial Stress Computations