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Multinational Corporations transfer Pricing Policies and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Mainstreaming Climate Change into EIA Process in Nigeria: Perspectives from Projects in Northern Nigeria
An Inductive Evaluation of the Power of Radio Information: A Retrospective Study of the 1967-1970 Nigerian Civil War
Interest Rate, Savings, and Industrial Performance in Nigeria
Economic evaluation of HIV testing options for low-prevalence high-income countries: a systematic review
The Determinants of People’s Preference of Night Entertainment Outfits in Abuja, Nigeria
Development of a program theory for clinical pathways in hospitals: protocol for a realist review
Microbial Synthesis of Polyhydric Alcohol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Influence Of Parenting Styles On Social Adjustment and Academic Achievement Of Adolescent Students In Selected Secondary Schools In Ogun Waterside Local Government Of Ogun State
Patterns of uterine rupture in Nigeria: a comparative study of scarred and unscarred uterus
Representing Botnet-Enabled Cyber-Attacks and Botnet Takedowns Using Club Theory
Determinants of Mortality among Adult HIV-Infected Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in a Rural Hospital in Southeastern Nigeria: A 5-Year Cohort Study
The Dilemma of Equity and Social Exclusion in Health are Delivery Services in Nigeria
Mental health legislation in Nigeria: current leanings and future yearnings
Case 1—2002—A patient with severe peripartum cardiomyopathy and persistent ventricular fibrillation supported by a biventricular assist device
Room I, 10/16/2000 9: 00 AM - 11: 00 AM (PS) Does a Single Dose of Epidural Morphine Provide Extended Analgesia after Vaginal Delivery?
The B‐Lynch surgical technique for the control of massive postpartum haemorrhage: an alternative to hysterectomy? Five cases reported