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Upper crustal structure of the Xinfengjiang reservoir from ambient noise double beamforming tomography and its implications for induced seismicity
Evolution and challenges of opioids in pain management: Understanding mechanisms and exploring strategies for safer analgesics
Seismometer Orientation Correction via Teleseismic Receiver Function Measurements in West Africa and Adjacent Islands
Railway traffic monitoring with trackside fiber-optic cable by distributed acoustic sensing Technology
Using the three-station interferometry method to improve urban DAS ambient noise tomography
Assessment of geoelectric properties and localized geology as indicators on cocoa (Theobroma cacao) yield in a part of southwestern Nigeria
The magnetic method as a tool in groundwater investigation in a basement complex terrain: Modomo Southwest Nigeria as a case study
Potential therapeutic target identification in the novel 2019 coronavirus: insight from homology modeling and blind docking study
Seepage investigations of heterogeneous soils beneath some buildings using geophysical approaches: example from southwestern Nigeria
Can Specific Performance Lie Against a State in Contract?
An Analysis Of Risk Factors Among Urban Fish Famers In Kaduna, Kaduna State