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Characteristics of HIV/ Malaria co-infected mothers who did not access early infant diagnosis for their HIV-exposed infants in Benin-City, Nigeria
Identifying childhood diarrhoea training needs of Nigerian frontline health care workers
Comparison of obesity, overweight and elevated blood pressure in children attending public and private primary schools in Benin City, Nigeria
Risk Factors and Clinical Correlates of Hepatitits B Seroprevalence in Nigerian Children
Does Nigeria need the birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccine?
Hepatitis B infection among Nigerian children admitted to a children’s emergency room
Serum zinc values in children with congenital heart disease
Nigerian mothers opinion of reminder/recall for immunization
Need for a clinical decision rule for the management of pharyngitis in Nigeria
Cardiovascular responses to blood transfusion in children with anemic heart failure
Characteristics of Nigerian Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Tuberculosis Coinfection
Socio-demographic characteristics of aids orphans in era of free antiretroviral therapy at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital
Breast feeding practice among medical women in Nigeria
Diphtheria mortality in Nigeria: the need to stock diphtheria antitoxin
Prevalence of intestinal helminthiasis in children with chronic neurological disorders in Benin city, Nigeria
Diptheria in Nigeria: is there resurgence?
Mycetoma and Human immunodeficiency virus infection in a child: a case report
Bacterial isolates of tonsillitis and pharyngitis in a paediatric casualty setting
Is age at commencement of infant immunization a significant determinant of uptake in Nigeria?
Parental contribution to over prescription of antibiotics for sore throat in children