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Diagnosis and Solution of the Drinking Water Supply Network of the Municipality of Diembéring
Caractérisation des parcs à Cordyla pinnata (Lepr. ex A. Rich.) Milne-Redh. et Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev. dans les communes de Mérina Dakhar et de Kahi du bassin arachidier sénégalais
Impact of missing information on day-to-day research based on secondary data
Large deviation principle for reflected diffusion process fractional Brownian motion
Phytochemical Screening and Determination of Polyphenols in the Hydro-Ethanolic Extract of Trunk Bark and Its Fractions of Stereospermum kunthianium Cham (Bignoniaceae)
Substance use as a function of activity level among young Swiss men
Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity of Stalk and Fruit of Solanum aethiopicum L. (Solanaceae)
Contribution to the knowledge of melliferous plants: Ethno apicultural survey with beekeepers in the District of Ziguinchor, Kolda and Sedhiou (Senegal)
Profil De L’asthmatique Admis Au Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire De Fann (CHNU) A Dakar (Senegal)
Traditionally Used Anti-hepatitis Plants Species in Dakar District, Senegal
Ethno Apicultural Survey of Melliferous Plant Species in the Great Green Wall Widou and Koyli Alpha, Senegal
Ethnobotanic Survey of Aids Opportunistic Infections in the Ziguinchor District, Sénégal
Ethnopharmacological Survey of Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Human Diseases in the Tivaouane Department, Senegal
Study of Antioxidant Activity of Stalk and Fruit of Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae)
Health literacy and quality of care of patients with diabetes: A cross-sectional analysis
Temperature Effect on Capacitance of a Silicon Solar Cell under Constant White Biased Light
Effects of Water Stress on the Physiological Behavior, the Flowering and the Fruiting of Jatropha curcas L. Under Semi-controlled Conditions