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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Publisher Cell Press
Open Access NO
Quartile Q1
Citation Count 21751
E-ISSN 2542-4351
Categories Energy (miscellaneous)
Area Energy
Region Northern America
Country United States

Joule, a sister journal to Cell, is a home for outstanding and insightful research, analysis and ideas addressing a key global challenge: the need for more sustainable energy.
Joule is a distinctive and forward-looking journal, bridging disciplines and scales of energy research. Joule connects all who are researching and analyzing the challenges — scientific, technical, economic, policy and social — of providing sustainable energy solutions.
Joule spans scales of energy research, from fundamental laboratory research into energy conversion and storage up to impactful analysis at the global level.
Joule will purposefully highlight and amplify the implications, challenges and opportunities of novel energy research for different groups working across the entire spectrum of the field.


  1. Joule is published by Cell Press
  2. It is not an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Energy

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