EISSN (electronic International Standard Serial Number) is a unique identifier assigned to electronic publications, such as online journals, magazines, and other periodicals. It allows for easy identification and retrieval of electronic publications and is used to distinguish between different versions of the same publication
PISSN (print International Standard Serial Number) is a unique identifier assigned to print publications, such as printed journals, magazines, and other periodicals. Similar to the EISSN, it facilitates the identification and retrieval of print publications and distinguishes between different versions of the same publication (print vs. electronic).
How to contribute ?
- A journal contribution refers to written content submitted by an external or internal contributor to the journal.
- This contribution may have corrections to Journal data.
- Contributions are often published in specific sections of the journal after approval by the admins.
- A contribution for a newspaper must be informative, well-structured, relevant to the newspaper's audience and respects the format of the information displayed
- When you submit a contribution to a journal, it will be sent to the admins for verification. Contributions can be submitted by professional journalists, experts in the field, academics or anyone with an interest and expertise in the subject matter.
- The contribution requires logging in to this website. Then, you can send a contribution request by clicking the 'To Contribute' button after editing the data inline.