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Nature Medicine

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Open Access NO
Quartile Q1
Citation Count 41058
P-ISSN 107-8956
E-ISSN 1546-170X
Categories Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous), Medicine (miscellaneous)
Area Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Medicine
Region Western Europe
Country United Kingdom

Nature Medicine publishes research that addresses the needs and goals of contemporary medicine. Original research ranges from new concepts in human biology and disease pathogenesis to robust preclinical bases for new therapeutic modalities and drug development to all phases of clinical work, as well as innovative technologies aimed at improving human health.

Current areas of interest also include, but are not limited to:

-Gene and cell therapies
-Clinical genomics
-Regenerative medicine
-High-definition medicine
-Effects of the environment in human health
-Artificial intelligence in health care
-Smart wearable devices
-Early disease diagnosis
Nature Medicine also publishes Reviews, Perspectives and other content commissioned from leading scientists in their fields to provide expert and contextualized views of the latest research driving the progress of medicine. The News section is editorially independent and provides topical and timely reporting of upcoming trends affecting medicine, researchers and the general audience.


  1. Nature Medicine is published by Nature Publishing Group
  2. It is not an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Medicine

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