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Political Geography Open Research

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Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2772-9990
Area Geography, Planning and Development, Sociology and Political Science, History

Political Geography Open Research offers a purely open-access publication format for scholars whose research focuses on the geographical and spatial dimensions of politics and the political. The journal promotes interdisciplinary debates among geographers, political scientists, and international relations scholars, and it seeks to advance the theorization and empirical exploration of political-geographical phenomena. We welcome articles that focus on empirical case studies or that center on policy implications. However, we expect that all research published in the journal engage with and to build upon the subdiscipline's conceptual, methodological, and theoretical foundations. We encourage innovative contributions drawn from diverse methodological perspectives, covering all scales of inquiry, and from scholars in all parts of the world. Examples of appropriate themes for publication in the journal include, but are not limited to:

the theory and practice of geopolitics;
geographies of sovereignty and the state;
peace and conflict studies;
geographies of policy, institutions, and elections;
feminist, queer, and postcolonial engagements with the political;
politics of spatiality, networks, and scale;
intersections of political economy and political geography;
territoriality, mobility, and identity within and across borders;
political ecology, the politics of the environment, and post-human politics.

We offer two main publishing formats: (1) full-length research articles (11,000 words max); and (2) Research Notes (5,000 words max), which give scholars an opportunity to elaborate on methodological, conceptual, or data-related issues emerging from their research. Both formats are fully peer-reviewed.


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Geography, Planning and Development, Sociology and Political Science, History

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