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Open Access YES
P-ISSN 0030-4387
E-ISSN 1873-5282
Area Sociology and Political Science

Orbis®, the Foreign Policy Research Institute's quarterly journal of world affairs, was founded in 1957 as a forum for policymakers, scholars, and the informed public who sought an engaging, thought-provoking debate beyond the predictable, conventional journals of that time. Nearly half a century later, Orbis continues to offer informative, insightful, and lively discourse on the full range of topics relating to American foreign policy and national security, as well as in-depth analysis on important international developments. Orbis readers always know the stories behind the headlines.

Orbis is a publication of the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI). For more information on the FPRI please visit the Institute's website at

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  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Sociology and Political Science

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