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Next Energy

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2949-821X
Area Energy (General), Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials

Next Energy is a peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing research of relevance to the energy community.

The journal is part of the Next family, a new suite of multidisciplinary open access journals from Elsevier spanning all branches of science. Managed by our dedicated team of full-time inhouse Editors, Next Energy offers authors speed, consistency, innovation, flexibility and ease of submission, while providing readers in the field with seamless access.

Next Energy covers all aspects of energy research, from fundamental laboratory work, through to energy harvesting, conversion and storage, in addition to analysis of policy and application at a global scale.

Next Energy publishes experimental, computational and theoretical work, in traditional formats such as Original Research Articles, Communications and Reviews, as well as novel formats and video content, and Comment articles to inspire next generation energy research.

Next Energy provides authors with rigorous peer review ensuring articles adhere to a high technical standard, with rapid decisions and a highly visible platform for scientists to share their research.

Our Editors welcome submissions on energy issues including but not limited to:
Energy storage and conversion (rechargeable batteries, metal-air batteries, flow batteries, aqueous batteries, supercapacitors etc.)
Catalysis (electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, thermal catalysis, bio-catalysis etc.)
Energy policy and economic analysis
Renewable fuels and feedstock
Energy intensive processes (solar steam generation, water desalination, water harvesting, etc.)
Green energy transition (carbon capture, storage and utilization etc.)
Nuclear technology
Electric vehicles
Thermal energy
Wind energy
Energy efficiency
Smart grids and microgrids, power and energy systems
Best protocols of energy performance measurement
Interdisciplinary energy science, technology and engineering


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Energy (General), Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials

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