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New Techno-Humanities

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2667-3614
Area Decision Sciences (General)

The journal targets at the creative aspect of the humanities that has not been fully recognized in the established classification and methodology of disciplines. By embracing the practical extension of the latest scientific and technological methods, the journal aims to provide a forum for the discussion and in-depth analysis on the nature and development in the field of humanities, as well as the latter's interface with other disciplines. The traditional fields of research in humanities, such as literature, arts, history and philosophy, will be covered from a trans-disciplinary approach.

First, the journal welcomes contributions in the fields of humanities from the pragmatic and experimental approaches by employing new technological methodologies, such as computational methods, visualization, data archives, processing and interaction, or surveys. Second, the journal also welcomes the philosophical, hermeneutic, critical, rhetorical, and historical approaches to interpretations of scientific and technological phenomena, focusing on their ontologies, nature, histories, methodologies and prospect of development.

The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and book reviews on the topics including, but not limited to
Literature and technology (science fiction studies, Internet literature)
Critical theory (posthumanism, eco-criticism)
Video games, gamification
New media studies, media and technology
Philosophy of science and technology
Quantitative history
Authorship attribution/ stylometry/ stylistics
Modelling, digital visualization
Techno humanities- culture, nature and history
Digital cultural heritage
Data visualization, statistical analysis, big data
Translation studies with technological methods
Corpus analysis
Textual analysis
Artificial intelligence and education/ language/ translation


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Decision Sciences (General)

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