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Neuroimmunology Reports

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Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2667-257X
Area Immunology, Immunology, Allergology and Rheumatology, Clinical Neurology

Neuroimmunology Reports is an online, open access journal devoted to education and evidence-based clinical practice in neuroimmunology. This journal will function as a searchable repository of neuroimmunology cases curated through an educational process in which a neuroimmunology fellow trainees handle reports and learn from them by presenting to an international network faculty of experts within areas of neuroimmunology. Neuroimmunology Reports cases are also fascinating and fun to read.

The scope of the journal broadly includes case reports or series of any neurological illness mediated, at least in part, by the immune system.

Traditional research-focused journals only publish a few case reports because each case is deemed incremental, confirmatory, negative or outside journal priorities. However, in clinical practice negative studies may be just as important as positive studies, and well-conceived papers reporting negative data or confirmatory results are welcome because clinical advances need confirmation before they are introduced into clinical care. Similarly, case reports can be particularly educational.

The major aim of Neuroimmunology Reports is to create a searchable repository of neuroimmunological case reports curated by an international editorial board composed of teaching faculty and rotating fellow trainees. The journal will also publish reviews and analyses of case reports/series to build an evidence-based rationale for scientific exploration. Importantly, the journal aims to develop an international network of teaching faculty and fellow trainees that handle the peer review of published case reports/series with the goal of educating the next generation of neuroimmunology clinicians.

The journal will publish and catalogue the following types of articles: Case Reports, Case Series and Reviews.


All branches of neuroscience: clinical neurologists, neurophysiologists, geneticists, psychologist, molecular biologists, MRI and allied imaging specialists, immunologists, major pharmaceutical companies, ethical and legal specialists, neuroimmunology specialist nurses, drug trial nurses.


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Immunology, Immunology, Allergology and Rheumatology, Clinical Neurology

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